Subject: WEB: URL Grabber 1.1 Author: Matt Petrowsky (AOL: MacVenture) Uploaded By: CJ DaveAx Date: 6/26/1996 File: URL Grabber v1.1.sit (118803 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 347 Equipment: Any Mac or PPC with TCP/IP net connection Needs: AppleScript 1.1; FileMaker Pro 3.0v1; Netscape 1.1 or la Keywords: URL FILEMAKER WEB HTML COLLECT NETSCAPE TYPE: Shareware FileMaker Application LIBRARY: IC/Helper Apps ---------------------------------------------------- KEYWORDS: URL FILEMAKER WEB HTML COLLECT NETSCAPE Author's description: Attached is a quick, albeit attractive, FM hack for collecting URLs from the web using Netscape and FileMaker 3.0. There is limited help and it is sort of a "figure it out as you go" type of file. I think you will find it quite useful for collecting and storing URL addresses. It will do all of these things and more. 1. Collect URL addresses and their page titles 2. Jump to URL addresses from the FM database (thank you Joel & Claris) 3. Prompt for keywords associated to the web site. NEW IN VERSION 1.1 1. A Note Pad screen with a pretty handy little time stamp. Useful for keeping...what else, notes! 2. A field that now tracks the last time that you connected to a web site from URL Grabber 3. A field that tracks the orginal date of your first time you grabbed the site 4. A search engines database that allows you to search the major web search engines from within URL Grabber. Pretty Cool! 5. A preferences section to set preferences. 6. A super list area where you can see more of a hit list style of listing. 7. Small help section 8. Trash can delete button If you would like to modify the database to output HTML Tables or Lists you can contact the author via email. You will find documentation in the folder of the archive. Downloads of previous versions: 144 ----------------------------------------------------------- Internet Connection Forum Libraries. Keyword: NET SOFTWARE This file has been checked for viruses. TDC